Tuesday, May 1, 2018


 This week was great. We had a great week of teaching.  The Spirit was present and we saw progression in the area. I learned a lot of things.  

   Last Tuesday we taught some fire lessons.  We have seen the Spirit touch the hearts of our investigators and we are seeing some leaps forward in progression, it’s  so exciting.  The members are really supportive and really helping us. I encourage everyone to be a missionary.  You don't have to go out and work to be a member missionary, you can fellowship, invite, text, remind, and many more things to help people come unto Christ. 

   On Wednesday we got rained on, it was really coming down.  It felt good because it was really hot in the morning.  Nice way to cool off.  We taught a cool tatay that reads the Book of Mormon like crazy,  it’s so cool.   We were able to find some new investigators.   We are really excited with the recent convert because she is planning to go with the ward to visit the temple when it opens on may 1. So  exciting. 

   On Thursday we had a fantastic day. It just felt like God planned our day and everything worked out. I was on exchanges with another elder in my area.  We were able to find a new family in the morning that has real potential.  We felt to randomly visit a family we had taught and it was perfect timing because they had just got back from a trip and were happy to see us.   In  the afternoon we just went from appointment to appointment.  Every lesson was great.  We gave a baptismal date and it felt like the investigator was just waiting for the invitation,  they accepted so happily.  We then taught a man with some of the most sincere questions. He is really looking for the truth.   Some things happened that rearranged our schedule and it seemed like things wouldn't work out but it actually worked out better than we had planned. God is really directing the work and helps it move forward.  

   On Friday we taught a cool lesson.  This person just asked all the right questions.  Each question just moved the discussion  perfectly.   One of the elect of God.    We had a member work with us and were able to go on splits,  it was very successful.   We were able to help and find investigators and teach less actives and recent converts.  We also gave another very solid baptismal date. 

   On Saturday we got a new investigator, he’s from India and fluent in Tagalog.  He is a really cool guy and is willing to listen.  We  attended the baptism of someone in our zone and I was the one who baptized their investigator.   I was stressed but after the baptism I felt this incredible peace and joy.  Always a happy time to see someone enter the waters of baptism.  

   On Sunday we had a great day at church.  I really felt the power of the sacrament. It brought me peace and happiness and recharged me.  Our bishop worked with us,  he is so cool.  We brought him to less actives and found new people.  We taught a new family that was referred by members and they are fire.   They were asking great questions and ready to hear the gospel.   We saw so many good things happen this week.  The church is true.  It also showed me how important members are in the work. We all have something to contribute and God will help us. I hope you all have a great week. 

Elder Snyder

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